This is a special post for me, because it was March 14, my Birthday, and I received the most perfect gift I could imagine.
Due to a very tight budget, and how I enjoy the ability to pull over where and when ever I want to sleep – I have been sleeping/living in my rental car the entire trip.
It was perfectly fine up until my final few days when the nights got much colder.
So I found myself sitting in the car, watching the sunset over the water abundant area of Lakes Entrance – rationalizing that since it is my Birthday, I should treat myself to hot shower and warm bed for the night.
I walked into a nearby motel, and ask the reception woman how much per night. She gave me the price, and I asked if there are any discounts I could have. She hesitated, but gave me the local discount. I shared with her my thoughts of how much I have paid in gas this trip and naturally gave her the “Thank You for Being You” cards, telling her the route I have driven. While she and I were both struggling with the situation, I then told her how I am trying to rationalize this expense since it is my Birthday.
She was obviously agonizing over not being able to give me more of a discount, and told me she does not have the authority to lower the price anymore. I said I understand, and in that moment, she whispered to me, telling me to leave the motel and she would meet me down the street when she gets off work in a few minutes.
That absolutely beautiful being, and her perfectly matched generous soul of a husband let me stay in their lovely guest room with a warm cozy bed, and very hot private shower. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Birthday Blessings FOR SURE!
“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” ― Maya Angelou
So much Gratitude and Love for you my dear new friends.