Finished the absolutely awesome coast drive from Sydney to Townsville.
Stopped for my daily swim along the way, and took a boat cruise from Airlie Beach to snorkel the Great Barrier Reef – what an experience!
After this post, I will be starting my drive through the Outback, so most likely will not have service to post until maybe Melbourne.
If you are reading this and you like what I am doing, please write a comment or/like the page. I am hoping for more interaction with all of you. Also, if I gave you two cards, pleeeez take a picture of you giving it to someone, and post it on here or the FB and Instagram pages.
I am doing this 3 week and many hour drive by myself, with no radio or other stimulus but the wonders of the scenery. Because of this, I am having the blessed opportunity to be in a peaceful meditative state most of the time – which offers me some lovely insights. One that keeps coming to mind is that “EVERY place/country on this planet is naturally beautiful”. Let’s take as many moments possible a day to GIVE THANKS FOR LIFE ON EARTH.
“In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.” » Aristotle