I was sitting on the Belintash Bulgaria plateau, watching a guy struggling with his inner battle of desire and fear – wanting to jump across a fissure on the way to the last layer of the plateau.
After about 20 mins of hesitation, he finally gave up…. and just as he was walking away, another guy came and jumped right over. After seeing that, he quickly overcame his fear and jumped over too.
My recent travels through Greece and Bulgaria, I been visiting many ancient churches dedicated to saints and mystics/prophets… to me, they represent “inSPIRITation” to BE/ACHIEVE the highest potential of LOVE, SERVICE, and ONENESS CONSCIOUSNESS with SOURCE and ALL THAT IS like them… not to idolize them. They are showing us IT IS POSSIBLE.
Oftentimes, all we need is to see it can be done.
“When people are inspired they don’t need motivation.” – Thomas Leonard