I was a teenager when I first read about Galapagos… I was so impressed, I told my best friend that when I die, I want my ashes to go there.
Well, I am deeply grateful that I got to go before I die… I had one of the best times in my life swimming with the sea lions, turtles, sharks, various colorful fish, manta rays, and penguins.
I also enjoyed walking around and seeing all the different looking iguanas, land turtles, blue footed boobies. and so many other amazing creatures…like the humaniods that I kept sharing my gratitude cards with 🙂
I will be learning or having someone that knows how, to make an awesome video out of all footage I took while I was there. Can’t wait to share it with all of you.
“The soul cannot be confined within man-made boundaries. Its nationality is Spirit; its country is Omnipresence.” – Yogananda