Fun, Fun, Fun… I went from a month in Hawaii to a great time hiking and swimming daily with my friend’s dog, in Lake Tahoe, California.
After Tahoe, I finished up the month working in the San Francisco Bay area.
I read a post on Instagram recently that was inspiring people to get out of the 9-5 working life with two weeks a year vacation and start living a life of passion and freedom.
I found the responses interesting… most of the response were in the theme of “that is easy for you to say, us have to work to pay the bills.”
My response to the responders is, yes, most of us live in a society where we must have money “to pay the bills”, but we also are the creators of our reality and the way we receive the money we need.
As humans we inherited freedom of choice and the ability to create, although due to the mental limitations of belief the collective human race has accepted, we are imprisoned.
To break free, we must become aware of the false beliefs we have accepted and change them into empowered truth.
Then you can allow your creative intelligence to have fun.
“Creativity is Intelligence Having Fun” – Albert Einstein
If you are interested in assistance to transforming the limiting beliefs programmed in your subconscious, and merging with your fully empowered self and life you truly desire, go to: