There is an infinite intelligence within/as all of life… the Life Force of Creation.
While I was back in Hawaii pet sitting for my son and friend, I was offered a 10-day job in San Francisco from a long-time client of mine. After I gave up my home base in California, I would stay in her guest room when working with her, but this time she had a guest the entire month of May, so I would have to find a place to stay.
I remembered I signed up for an international house/pet sitting service a year ago and never used it. I ended up finding a place to stay and use their car for the exact dates I needed. It was so exciting, I continued searching for places offered, and found a very interesting one on a vineyard in a beautiful valley in South Africa, and another one on a river in Kilkenny, Ireland. I was interested in these countries because I hadn’t been to them before and always wanted to. I applied for both and was accepted for Ireland.
I have always wanted to experience Ireland and Scotland on the same trip, but for some reason Scotland didn’t cross my mind. The exact day I was making plans to visit a friend in Vancouver, Canada after Ireland, an email came through about a new book by one of my favorite sacred sites of the world researchers, Freddy Silva: Scotland’s Hidden Sacred Past.
Again, life directed me perfectly. Life is guiding, assisting, and working through us in every moment…. wanting to give us everything we truly desire. True power, love, resources, and fulfillment of your soul desires comes from allowing the Infinite Intelligence of the Life force to manifest through and for you.
When you recognize yourself and all of life as an expression of the Life Force and foster a conscious relationship with it – your entire life aligns miraculously with all you want.
If you are interested on learning how to utilize the infinite power of Life, to experience your Ideal life, go to PROGRAMS on my website:
Open your eyes, mind and heart to the astonishing miracles of life, to the beauty surrounding you, to the uniqueness of your being, to the wonders you can achieve. – Robert Muller