You were born bearing a birthday gift to the world… that gift is YOU!
Just you being you is enough. Your purpose in life is to be you, realize you; embody and experience the highest, purest, fully empowered version of you possible.
Everything you experience is showing you, you.
By asking the questions in what you perceive as difficult situations, “What am I showing myself now?”, “What can I learn from this situation?”; you turn the situation into an opportunity to learn from and continue forward to the next lesson of life. By doing this, you broaden your awareness of self and the world as a whole.
When you experience life as a way to refine yourself, the wrapping starts to come off, revealing the precious gift that you are to yourself and all that exist.
“We know the excitement of getting a present – we love to unwrap it to see what is inside. So it is with our children. They are gifts we unwrap for years as we discover the unique characters God has made them.” – Author: Cornelius Plantinga