Before I post about India, I feel the need to post about the trip to Arizona i did when I returned from the Balkans and before India… there is an important connection between these two for me.
I rushed back to the states from the Balkans, because my daughter who just started University in Arizona was having a difficult time adjusting.
I flew to Tucson to get her form her University and go on a road trip to see her hometown best friend who is attending a different University in Flagstaff Arizona.
The three of us drove through the magical dessert tapestry, and went cliff jumping and sliding down a natural rock waterslide… all the while talking about adjusting to University life.
In summary – after experiencing at least 3 schoolmates suicides during their 4 years in High School, the painful months of rejection letters they and friends got while applying to University, the anxiety of moving out of home as one of the lucky ones that were finally accepted, then getting rejected again and again the first month trying to get into a sorority in order to fit in. WOW, and we wonder why we have a society festered with anxiety, depression, mental and emotional instability, STRESS – leading to addictions to alcohol, illegal and legal drugs.
The good news is my daughter and her best friend ended up adjusting and doing well… again, they are some of the lucky ones. Not all are.
I felt the desire to share this, because while I was in India I met a beautiful 18 year old American girl who has been struggling for years with depression, self mutilation, and suicide attempts. She asked me to give her a Transformational Healing session, and when she looked me in the eye and said “I could not handle the stress of the expectations”, I found myself overwhelmed with compassion for her and all the youth of much of our world…. if they are not dealing with the stress of expectations, they are dealing with stress of survival.
The project Thank You for Being You is my intent to raise the collective consciousness on this planet to love and gratitude for all people, and all of life… IN ACCEPTANCE AND APPRECIATION FOR THE DIFFERENCES WHILE BEING AWARE OF THE SIMILARITIES.
By doing this, we will allow each being to grow into and express their own unique gift to this world. We will banish all oppression to the natural expression/life purpose of each individual… within the societal system and family influence.
“Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” – Margaret Meed