March 03rd, 2021

Most people don’t realize the detrimental impact a lifetime of suppressed thoughts and emotions has on them, their loved ones, and the world we all share. The collection of these neglected thoughts and emotions create what is often called the Shadow Self. We all have a shadow self – it’s the aspect of you that has been judged as bad for unacceptable and is usually buried deep in the subconscious mind. We need to create a loving and accepting space for ourselves and others to process and integrate a healthier versions of the Shadow Self. THANK YOU FOR BENG YOU To learn more read One Only: Awaken to THE Relationship. And/or schedule a powerful Transformation Therapy session with Cher to free yourself from the limiting aspect of your Shadow Self One only: Awaken to THE Relationship Have a Transformation Therapy session with Cher for FREEDOM TO BE YOUR IDEAL YOU!


Cher was born into a family of metaphysicians, which allowed her innate nature for questioning reality the freedom to explore.  She started traveling the world at age 17 to engage with different perspectives of spirituality and Mind/Body Medicine… with her home base being Honolulu Hawaii. At 25 she had her first child and started her private practice as a Mind/Body/Spirit Educator, Therapist. She also owned a Yoga School, founded a Divorce Center for Women, and was the founder of a Re-programming Center for Women and Children. Now  she is an empty nester, she is devoting the next phase of her life to travel the world and connect with as many people as possible – sharing her love and gratitude for life, our planet, all beings, and all that exists. She launched a book  in Jan 2019 to assist in unifying humanity in ONENESS. And she is back to providing very powerful Transformation  Sessions: One only: Awaken to THE Relationship ​To learn how to create your Ideal Self and live your Ideal life go to PROGRAMS on her website:​ Have a Transformation Therapy session with Cher for FREEDOM TO BE YOUR IDEAL YOU!
