While on the bus from Pondicherry to TIruvannamalai, the couple next to me started asking questions… where are you from, and so forth. I naturally handed them the “Thank You for Being You” cards, and they opened up with big smiles. Then the man continued to ask what I do for work. I told them I am a Transformation Facilitator, and he wanted an explanation. Their understanding of english was very poor, so I just said I help people when their mind, heart, and body are unbalanced or disturbed. When I said that, the man’s face saddened, and body collapsed into a state of depression. He then told me he lost his job, has no money and a child in University. I sat silenced…. they both looked at me, begging with their eyes for help. I felt their feelings of hopelessness and despair so deeply. Next thing I knew I started to tell them to think of things they are grateful for… their healthy child in University, their love and support for each other, their health and body that has all it’s parts, the family they are on the way to visit. To thank life with all their being for all they DO HAVE…for being who they are. As I was saying this, their faces lit up with the most beautiful smiles, and they sat up with a new sense of empowerment. I went on to say that the consciousness/energy/vibration of gratitude is one of the most powerful and valuable of life’s resources. If they continue to give life that state of being, life will give back in wonderful ways. I could see they were really being shifted by what I was saying… I could feel their new sense of hope. Not only were they lifted up with the energy of gratitude but so was I… for the chance to experience the instant magic of gratitude again and again.
“It’s not happiness that brings us gratitude. It’s gratitude that brings us happiness.” — Anonymous