It has been a tradition of mine since I had to move to Northern California in 2008, to return to what I will always consider “home”, Hawaii, for my birthday in March.
I wasn’t thinking about this year until my daughter who is attending University told me while I was in Peru, that she wanted to go back home on Oahu for spring break. She hasn’t been back for about 2 years, and said she really wanted me to take her.
This is actually the instigator of fate that made me leave Lake Titicaca and go to Kauai (another major energetic planetary hot spot) for Feb 22.
I met my daughter on Oahu on March 8.
We were blessed to stay in different long – time friend homes (thank you Lou and Michelle) and my daughter ended up staying at her 30 year old brothers home so she could be out late at night with the younger folk.
It was so nice to see my kids as adults interacting and connecting with each other. I thought often of my other son Jyotin, wishing he was with us. I would like to say a special THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU to my kids, and how much joy you bring me watching you grow year by year into the truly wonderful beings that you are.
Much love and appreciation for my kids, friends, humanity, Hawaii, our planet, Universe, and LIfE.
“Having somewhere to go is home. Having someone to love is family. And having both is a blessing.” – Unknown