First, I would like to express my sincere condolences to all the people who have lost loved ones due to the Coronavirus.
This virus has affected the entire human race in one way or another. The speed at which it spread throughout the world has shown how vulnerable we can be, and this vulnerability can cause anxiety, stress, depression, and outright terror.
What’s very important to realize/remember is how these fearful feelings have a profound negative effect on your immune system, which at this time (actually always) needs all the strengthening support you can give it.
Some of best things you can do for your immune system are: meditation, use constant awareness of negative thoughts throughout the day and go instantly into thoughts/feelings of gratitude, sleep at least 8hrs, eat healthy nutritious foods, exercise, drink lots of non-sugary liquids (especially hot water with lemon, and immune boosting teas). Doctors all over the world are saying hot liquids are much better for this virus by bringing it from the throat to the stomach for the acids to kill.
There is a positive to every negative in all of life… it’s how the Universe is experienced. In EVERY situation we have the option to perceive it as a positive or negative or both by choosing neutrality.
Beyond all the fear, quarantine, news, loss of jobs, huge financial setbacks… I am witnessing beautiful lifestyle changes in many.
People are being forced to slow down, face their feelings and look deeply at their life and what really matters to them. They are re-evaluating what they REALLY want to do with their life… this is AWESOME!
Many are now exercising, reading, cooking healthy home cooked food, communicating with friends and family more that before.
And what I am loving most is this virus is showing us we are ALL EQUALLY HUMAN: rich, poor, black, white, yellow, male, female, famous, and homeless – it doesn’t matter your religion, political preference, or country you are from… it doesn’t discriminate… WE ARE ONE HUMAN RACE.
For me personally, my travel life is paused, so now I am being forced to finally focus on getting my book and its message out into the world… and what a perfect time to do it. You will find in the book a very helpful meditation and powerful tools to help you process all those negative limiting thoughts and emotions that are coming up during this time and finally BE FREE TO BE THE IDEAL YOU!
One Only: Awaken to THE Relationship @ Amazon books
“We can do this together” – saw this on sidewalk during my walk today 😊