Costa Rica
I wanted to experience Costa Rica before the end of the year to see if I would be interested in living there. Now that I am free to move away from Northern Ca, I plan on returning to Hawaii, or making my home base Costa Rica.
Costa Rica has the environment that I cherish. The land is empowered by 6 active volcanoes, while providing the healing remedies of volcanic mud baths, and enriching mineral hot springs.
It is known for it’s pristine beaches, lush forests, and kind hearted locals. No wonder it’s ranked #1 on the World Happiness Index, and about 50,000 North American expats and retirees live there permanently.
What also interest me about Costa Rica is the multitudes of Conscious Living centers throughout the country.
I have felt a very strong calling for at least 30 years to either be the founder of one, or travel the world experiencing all the different types (which there are many), and sharing the info with all of you.
So my original plan was to check out one that I have resonated with and see if I can arrange a work for trade situation starting in February when I am due to move out of California.
My plan mapped out perfectly with me flying into Liberia, and driving for two weeks up the coast staying at 7 out of 10 of the most beautiful beaches in Costa Rica. Then heading into the jungle to the community, and after to hike and explore one of the famous national parks and its volcano.
What I didn’t plan is for my 20 year old son to ask if he can come along on my trip.
We didn’t stick by my original plan, and the trip was cut shorter that expected, but I did get a good taste and know for sure it is another place I will be returning to soon.
“Sometimes we let life guide us, and other times we take life by the horns. But one thing is for sure: no matter how organized we are, or how well we plan, we can always expect the unexpected.” — Brandon Jenner