The plan to isolate myself in Nepal for a month to finish writing the book was a success! After writing from morning to night while fasting for 23 hrs per day and eating one meal during the 1 hour, I finished the first draft the day before my ticket to Tibet.
I stayed in ‘PJs Garden Home/Studio Apartment’, which is above the garage on the property of a very kind Nepalese family who rents it out as an Airbnb. I took short breaks throughout the day to stretch and meditate in the lush garden. A few times during my stay, PJ’s mother would give me a delicious home cooked meal.
PJ’s home is in a suburb, about a 20 min drive to central Kathmandu. Many of the homes in this area are like huge mansions in America. They usually house multiple generations of the family.
A few times a week, I walked a couple blocks from the house to the main street in the area to get fresh fruit and veggies from the street vendors. I never saw another foreigner the entire time I was there. I went twice into central Kathmandu to get a visa for Tibet, and enjoyed all the colors, sounds, and vibrancy of life while there. I experienced the Nepalese people to be very gentle mannered and kind. And shockingly, being one of the poorest countries in the world, I did not see one person asking for money or food, and felt very safe walking around by myself.
I would like to return someday and explore the treks throughout the Himalayan mountain range of Nepal.
This is the beginning of the first chapter of the book I wrote ’The One and Only’. Please leave a comment if it looks interesting to you 🙂
“Matter is Energy…Energy is Light…We are all Light Beings.” — Albert Einstein
I constantly remind myself this in order to avoid getting lost in the physicality and fear-based drama of human experience. I find that if I keep my perception tuned to the Light of things, life is much brighter!:)
Your body and perceived physical reality is made up of atoms, which are 99.99999% Energy/Light. Your body is really an electromagnetic field of vibrating Energy waves comprised of photons. You are a dynamic, intelligent, vibrating, electromagnetic information field of consciousness; constantly sending and receiving information while creating and recreating Self, and in relationship with/AS the Infinite expression of Source.
Physicists validated what Mystics have said for centuries – all of creation is a sea of conscious Energy (Light). We are a droplet within the sea – interacting, exchanging, experiencing, and in relationship with/as it.
“Energy is the inherent effort of every multiplicity to become unity.” — Henry Brooks Adams