I have wanted to explore India since I studied Ayurveda and Mind/Body Medicine in my early 20”s. I even had a ticket to go, and instead went on a romantic ski trip, which led me into marriage and two more children. Interesting when we look back and reflect on the effect the choices in our lives make.
Again, 25 years later with ticket purchased, I canceled my plans two days before departure due to a family member in need. This time tho, I was determined to go… and ended up going for half of the allotted time and trip.
The original plan was fly into Mumbai, spend a few days in Goa, join a group for 16 days to Chennai, The Oneness University, Pondecherry and Auroville. After that I was going by myself to Kalinga Nagar, Ganges, Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, and Jodhpur.
I ended up going directly to join the group for the 16 days, and then a few days by myself in Goa. This means I am definitely going back to finish the plan and more… India is one of the few places I feel a strong desire to return… till my soul is satisfied.
I had three totally different experiences:
The 7 days at The Oneness University was spent doing focused meditations on clearing/balancing/exploring one of the seven chakras each day – within the magnificent structure designed for thousands of people to meditate together in focused union towards transforming/healing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual/energetic imbalances with the individual and collective consciousness of humanity.
It was a very special time for me, because I was blessed with the opportunity to personally facilitate Transformation Healing sessions on a daily basis – which reignited the passion to offer these session again after 11 years of only doing them with a select few.
Next we went to Pondicherry and Auroville. I absolutely fell in love with Auroville the moment I stepped foot on the grounds. It is a township , which was founded in 1968 by Mirra Alfassa (known as “The Mother). This was her vision statement – “Auroville wants to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony, above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realize human unity.”— Mirra Alfassa
During my 9 days there I rode my rented bike daily to meditate in the awesome futuristic looking Matrimandir, a golden metallic sphere which is the center piece of the town. I then rode all over the expansive township to explore and experience as much as possible the daily lives of the people living there. I am excited to say that the original vision of The Mother is a true reality in progress.
I then left the group and ventured on to Goa.
I knew Goa to be the place “Hippies” gravitated to from all over the world since the early 60’s. What I didn’t know about was the “Goa trance” culture that prevails.
I was swept away with my hostel roomies for 4 days into a whirlwind of parties and psytrance music.
Life again has given me an expansive experience into more of myself, others, and the world we all share.
“To find out what is truly individual in ourselves, profound reflection is needed; and suddenly we realize how uncommonly difficult the discovery of individuality is.”
― C.G. Jung