I enjoyed my birthday month in Honolulu with family and friends, and what a joy it was 😊
This month I focused a lot on how important it is to heal the traumas and emotional pain most of us have experienced during our lives.
Each time we feel emotionally hurt, we create a protective barrier over our heart center, limiting the love we can give and receive.
And since love is the force of creation and all that is, and ALL of creation is energy…. then this barrier is limiting EVERYTHING we desire to experience – health, money, opportunities, and the ability to BE the fully empowered creators of our lives like we were meant to be.
This realization hit me personally really hard recently, and I have noticed it seems to be a human theme amongst many of us.
I’m choosing to do the internal healing work needed to heal and let down my defenses so that I can give and receive 100% abundantly, all that I and life has to offer.
How about you, are you ready to experience yourself and life to the fullest? Type YES in the comments and join me in Limitless Love!
From our very first breath we are filled with limitless love and universal potential.-Harold W. Becker