Berat Albania was on my list of Power spots of the world, and one of the main reasons I went to the Balkans – I was very excited to explore this area.
It turned out to be the most challenging experience I have had on my travels so far.
Even as I’m writing this the challenge continues… I am on a bus to get out of here, going to Montenegro, and the guy in the seat in front of me smells so bad I feel like vomiting. So I move seats and start to write.
A hour later for some reason he and his girlfriend move seats right in front of me again.
Let’s go to the beginning… I get on a bus at 4 a.m. to leave Macedonia, crossing the border to Berat Albania.
I informed the bus driver when I got on the bus I was going to Berat. Midway when we were having lunch I again said I was going to Berat. It turned out there was a stop in between where I had to switch buses and he did not tell me, so I ended up going to the coast. It was over an hour trying to find me a ride back the other direction. Straight out of a comedy film, we had to chase a bus going on to the freeway as we were being chased by police.
5 hours later I get to Berat and check into my room in a home I was suppose to stay in for 4 days.
The moment I arrive after all that adventure the Host of the Home asked me to pay immediately in his currency for the room. I told him I did not have his currency yet and need to go to a bank machine. He said guest before we’re not able to get money from the machine and he was obviously very worried, and demanded I go immediately.
In the morning I asked for milk for my coffee, he said I will get a glass of milk with my breakfast if I wanted more milk I would have to pay more.
His english was very poor and everything I said he misunderstood and got angry.
After breakfast he informed me I had to leave and said I had 10 minutes to pack up and leave. Before I left, I made sure I gave him and his wife the Thank You for Being You cards – and I swear, in that moment his mind softened a bit and revealed his kind heart – unfortunately we all knew we were too far into the exit game.
My phone was not charged so I could not call a cab and I had to carry my heavy bags for 40 minutes down the mountain on a road that was not dirt, it was huge bumpy rocks to the bus station. (I wish I took a picture).
I unfortunately did not Explore Berat, I ended up wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.
As a Mind/Body/Spirit Educator & Therapist, I choose to use all experiences as a way to reflect, learn and transform myself. I believe everything perceived is an aspect of self.
The bus driver was a beautiful soul who took full responsibility and would not give up until I got on a bus back… even risking his life chasing one onto the freeway.
The house host obviously had anxiety around money, and over- reactive issues.
I have to admit I and most people of the world have some degree of money issues and also have over – reacted when the fear buttons have been pushed.
I have been using my long bus rides to reflect on these issues with intention that I can do my share of clearing this type of energy within myself and the collective consciousness of humanity.
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” – Martin Luther King,Jr.